Differences that will keep Obama from getting it.
Bill Clinton is an expert and perception. He can grasp what people want and need with ease. Then he has the capacity to project sincerity with a message that connects with the people.
Barack Obama is self absorbed to the extreme and he can not understand how to connect with people.
He projects the image that everything he does is for an agenda, his agenda.
Clinton projected the image that he wanted what was best for the public.
Obama projects that he wants what is best for Obama and that he knows best what is best for the public.
Clinton, in spite of all his faults, was able to project humility and contriteness for his mistakes.
Obama, can barely admit he might have been wrong and his attempts at humility are rehearsed and stiff.
Clinton was obviously comfortable connecting with nearly everyone, on or off camera. He was an open book in some ways and left people with the impression that he really did care. If he did care could be up for debate but he had the power to move people and to empathize.
Obama is not comfortable without a script in his hand and he is not comfortable debating with anyone who disagrees with him. He leaves people with the impression that he is acting, that he only cares for himself, and that his mission was to win the presidency rather than to be an effective leader. Whether he cares or not about the people is up for debate as well.
Obama is no Bill Clinton.