Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mark to market changes?

We are still entertaining efforts to try and keep the banks and their CEO's in place. We are the biggest bunch of suckers ever seen. Now the cowardly congress is ready to suspend mark to market accounting so the banks can continue to hold a gun to the head of taxpayers for years. All they have to do now is to say we have more toxic assets from a few years ago and you let them ride back then and now they are hurting us and we will close down the system again unless you guarantee more of our stupid deals. How can we be spending billions and billions while people are losing their jobs left and right. This is complete crap!!!!!!!!!!!The bankers say it is important for buyers and sellers to agree on a price that makes sense to both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What????Yeh and I need to agree on a price for my rental house that makes sense to both parties even though the market price is half what I want to clear. Yeh that makes perfect sense. I can't believe this is American Capitalism. I am disgusted with our congress and the administration for prolonging this recession. The more they medal the more the economy suffers. We have seen a few signs of free market resolution in home sales but the banks are controlling the government and they will hold on and threaten world collapse until our government gets enough courage to just say NO!!!!! We don't need these people who drove this train off a cliff. We have survived 2 years without the big banks doing much of anything except stealing money from the taxpayer. There are plenty of solvent banks that will allow the economy to recover. We could have put a chicken in every pot of every person in the entire world for the wasted dollars spent on propping up banks.

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